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Server settings overview

You set up, fine-tune, and manage the functionality of your ColdFusion server through a series of pages.


Settings:  Use the configuration options to manage the performance of your ColdFusion server. For details, see Apply server settings.


Request Tuning: Set tuning preferences for handling requests and threads. For details, see Set request tuning.


Caching: Set caching preferences for handling templates, queries, and data sources. For details, see Set caching preferences.

Client Variables: Determine and store information about the identity of a client visiting your site. By managing client variables, this identity information lets you customize page content for clients. For details, see Client variable planning and Manage client variables.

Memory Variables: Enable application and session variables server-wide. By default, application and session variables are enabled when you install ColdFusion. You can specify maximum and default timeout values for session and application variables. You can also specify whether to use J2EE session variables. For details, see Manage memory variables.

Mappings: Create or map logical aliases for physical directories on your server. Map directories only if you use ColdFusion with CGI or use absolute references to ColdFusion pages with the cfinclude tag. For details, see About logical aliases for physical directories and Create mappings.


Mail: Specify a mail server to send e-mail messages from the server. For details, see Configure mail settings.


Charting: Specify caching and thread settings for the ColdFusion charting and graphing engine. For details, see Set charting preferences.


Font Management: Review and define fonts for use with Adobe FlashPaper and PDF output. ColdFusion generates FlashPaper and PDF output formats through the cfdocument tag and through the cfreport tag, when used to call a report created with the ColdFusion Report Builder. For details, see Set font management preferences.


Document: Configure your OpenOffice application on a local or remote ColdFusion server. For details, see Configure OpenOffice.


Java and JVM: Manage Java Virtual Machine settings such as paths, heap sizes, and implementation options. For details, see Set Java and JVM preferences. This does not apply when deploying ColdFusion on a J2EE server.


Settings Summary: View the status of all ColdFusion configuration settings. Click the name to go to an area of the ColdFusion Administrator. For details, see Settings summary.

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