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Basic configuration overview

After you install ColdFusion server, you should perform several configuration tasks.


Change the ColdFusion Administrator Password: Select Security > Administrator in the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane to specify a password that restricts access to the ColdFusion Administrator pages. This step is important because the Administrator pages let you manage server performance, configure data sources, and handle log files. For details, see Change Administrator password.


Configure data sources: You can use a variety of databases with ColdFusion applications. In the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane, select Data & Services > Data Sources to configure data sources. For details, see About ColdFusion data sources.


Specify Java and JVM Settings: Set preferences for how ColdFusion works with Java. In the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane, select Server Settings > Java and JVM to specify Java settings. For details, see About Java settings for ColdFusion. This task does not apply when deploying ColdFusion on a J2EE server.


Specify log file settings: ColdFusion generates log files you can use to monitor activity on the ColdFusion server and in your ColdFusion applications. In the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane, select Debugging & Logging > Logging Settings to specify error logging information. For details, see Logging settings.


Plan security: Changing your ColdFusion Administrator password is the first step in addressing ColdFusion security issues. To begin planning how to best protect your ColdFusion resources, see Why security is important.

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